Don’t Be Afraid to Leave Your
Don´t Be Afraid to
Leave Your Mobile Unattended
CAMELOT is not only an application for storing data securely, it can do many more interesting things. These are all designed to make your life easier and more safe.
Hidden chats
Have secure communication with another CAMELOT user and exchange messages or pictures online. You can have a chat card in the public area or access the private zone after entering the passcode, so no one else will see it.
Secure communications will not show up as notifications on your phone, so it will not attract any attention or unpleasant questions.
The messages from the chat can disappear after a given period of time, if you wish so. Self-destructive mechanism as seen in spy movies.

Password/PIN manager
Save your passwords, PIN and PUK codes, information about credit cards and loyalty cards

Password generator
We will give you suggestions on how to make a strong password or we’ll create one for you.

ID and other cards
Save information about your personal documents – identification cards, passport and others. We keep an eye on the expiration date of documents, so an expired driving licence will be a thing of the past.

Picture Vault
What shouldn’t be stored in the freely accessible picture gallery on your mobile phone will be safely stored here, or you can take the picture directly in the application and you can easily categorize your images for easier orientation.

The password for your wi-fi network at home is usually a complex compilation of capital and lower case letters and sometimes some digits. You have two options – either to change it ( but will it be safe?) or you can save it to Camelot and it will be displayed as a QR code. If visitors stop by for a visit and wants to connect to the wi-fi, one simple download of the code to their mobile phone and it’s done (they are connected).
You can recieve the same help if you have company wi-fi (cafe, restaurant, etc.) but your guests need to connect to it occasionally. To prevent misusage, you can easily change the password on the QR card and send it to an assistant or an attendant who can then share it with your guests. Writing cards with wi-fi passwords is over.
Personal diary
Want to remember something really personal? Like a first date or maybe, the place where you buried your secret treasure? You can enter all of your thoughts, secrets and ideas into your personal diary without fear, they will be stored away safely just for you. If you decide that you want to share these thoughts, secrets and ideas only with your significant other, you can.

Jokes and Quotes
If there is ever an embarrassing silence at a party, you can open the application and tell jokes which you have saved. Entertaining others has never been so easy. You can instantly share the best jokes with your friends. When someone asks you WHY you have the CAMELOT application on your phone, you won’t be lying when you say „To save my jokes.“

Reading diary
When you want to save a passage from your favourite book or make some notes about the one you would like to read, simply enter it all into CAMELOT. Add a date to help you remember or save a picture of the cover.

It’s not easy to remember everything so, simply store it here. When you go shopping for something unusual ( who is supposed remember what kind of batteries go into which device or what type of ink you need for your printer), you can simply show the shop assistent the saved photo. You can also add GPS coordinates to avoid getting lost. You can sort all of these things in FILES.

Medical records
Someone asking you about your health can be quite a sensitive topic and not everyone needs to know the status of your health. CAMELOT can securely hide a womens menstruation cycle calendar or documents for communication with your doctor.
If you provide services regularly, it is important to know when you should contact a customer again (e.g. a boiler inspection once per year). The next time you are with a customer, you can send them your business card from Camelot and directly set up a reminder in their Camelot. That way they will be reminded that a revision is necessary and will have the option to call you directly by clicking the icon on the business card. Entrepreneurs often have a lot of things on their minds, this is one things that they can leave up to our application.
It also works the other way around, you can set up regular alerts in your Camelot that will be linked to a business card from a particular service provider (e.g. chimney sweeper). It’s never been easier to call and make an appointment. Now, realize how many such regular services you need every year – vehicle safety and emissions inspection, check up with your dentist, vet or vaccinations. Leave it all up to Camelot, it will control all dates and make sure you are informed on time.

Having printed warranties or product manuals is extremely old school. Just download them as a PDF and then send them to each customer with a Camelot file. Not only will you save some trees, but they will have your contact information, business information, website or the link to product pages.
If the mixer which you purchased a year ago happens to stop working, you can easily find the warranty in your Camelot. Especially if the contact information to the manufacturer that would eventually solve the complaint is on the warranty. Forget about saving your warranty if you can save everything electronically